The Best Coffee Grind Size: How to Achieve the Perfect Coffee Extraction

When it comes to getting the best out of a cup of coffee, grinding your own beans is one of the best things you can do. But even when you’re grinding your own beans, there are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to getting the right grind size. The right grind size will help you achieve the perfect extraction, a truly delicious cup of coffee that is the perfect balance of flavors and aromas.

When it comes to grind size, coarser grinds are best for French press brewing, while finer grinds are best for espresso. Coarse grinds are also suited for cold brewing and for long extraction methods like immersion and drip. On the other hand, finer grinds are required for shorter extraction methods, like espresso.

Finding the right grind size for your brewing method can be a bit of a balancing act. Too fine of a grind and you could over-extract the flavors, resulting in a bitter, almost burnt taste. Too coarse of a grind and you may end up with a weak cup of coffee with a lack of complexity. The goal is to find just the right grind size so that you get maximum extraction from the beans.

If you’re using an electric grinder, you can usually find the recommended grind size for your brewing method in the user manual of the grinder. Having a variety of settings to choose from, you can customize the grind size for your brewing method for perfect extraction every time. Optimal grind size will depend on the beans you’re using, but when you hit the sweet spot, you’ll taste the difference.

When it comes to making the perfect cup of coffee, grinding your own beans is key. Knowing how to pick the right grind size to match your brewing method can go a long way towards getting that perfect cup of joe.

Papua New Guinea ELIMBARI coffee beans, 200 g artisan coffee beans
Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea ELIMBARI coffee beans, 200 g

15.00 €

ELIMBARI is a rare and exotic coffee grown in small farms in the CHUAVE region of Papua New Guinea, with a unique spicy and bitter taste. Roasted very dark, its flavor profile boasts notes of pomelo peel, nutmeg, cloves, dark chocolate, and tobacco, making it a must-try for coffee lovers who enjoy bold flavors.


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